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5 Ways to Decrease Stress That Actually Work

Medical professionals are always on their toes, running around filling charts, attending to patients, standing in extra-long surgeries or stepping in for emergency shifts. They always have to be focused and give all their attention because one mistake can cost somebody their life. All this responsibility and brutal shift hours add to a lot of stress and fatigue.

Stress can build up to anxiety, weight gain, depression and lots of other diseases. It also puts one at risk for diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and osteoporosis. It's better to address stress head-on instead of sweeping the issues under the rug so as to speak. Stress impairs a person from performing their duties adequately and hence also leads to unprofessional patient care. Here keeping your good health in mind we are sharing some de-stressing techniques

1. Learn to say No!

Say it with tact and dignity! Yes, learn to say no instead of piling up your work schedule by doing favors and extra shifts for friends. Learn to delegate tasks in routine and assign work responsibilities if you are supervising a team. Don't bite more than you can chew! Or you will be swamped with loads of work and will always be in a rush to get things done. Start sharing work at hospital and home. Share credit with colleagues and teach your kids to take up household chores.

Nurse Putting Bandage

2. Hit the track!

The best way to get rid of stress is to hit the gym. Expel of your access adrenaline by swimming few laps in the morning or after shift. Pick up some weights and do strength training or best do some power walk on your way to work. A short rush of physical activity can help you reduce anxiety. Doing yoga and meditation can also help you focus more. Exercising regularly helps to regulate blood pressure, stress inducing hormones, the release of endorphin and keep a clear mind. To stay sharp and happy at work add exercise routine at least four days a week.

3. Pour me a cuppa!

Try out a soothing variety of hot tea or java to calm your nerves. Green tea and black tea are easily available, keep a stash at your workplace or in the locker for an easy fix. You can also try teas with herbal essences like lemon balm, chamomile or cinnamon. Add a dash of honey and enjoy! If tea is not your preference, try hot milk with cocoa.

4. Unplug.

We can't stress this enough! Once in a while unplug from all your gadgetry. Tablet, phone, eBook readers and all sorts of gadget, turn them off or put them on mute. Nowadays with the overload of notifications and click bait we end up wasting a lot of time just checking emails, unnecessary recipes or reading baseless articles. Instead, compartmentalize your time and set aside a time for checking your emails, posting on social media or reading an eBook. Once in a while get off the electric grid and just de-stress by taking a walk at the beach.

5. Sleep on time!

Don't stay up late watching television or doing chores that can wait a day. Staying up late makes you dulls the next day which leads to unproductive day, lethargic mind, fatigue, and absent-mindedness. So set up your alarm clock for next day, take a nice hot bath before bed and unplug to avoid unnecessary disturbances.

Close-up of serene brunette sleeping peacefully

These are few things that work to help you de-stress! If you know of more tip and techniques, we'd love to hear your ideas! Feel free to share them below.