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New Initiatives - Things You Must Know About Cardiovascular Diseases

You must be aware of the fact that heart is the central organ and one of the most important parts of our body that supplies and pumps blood to all other organs and parts of our body from head to toes. The cardiovascular system, also called the vascular system or the circulatory system, is an essential system that permits the circulation of blood, and transportation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients (such as electrolytes and amino acids), hormones and blood cells to and from the body cells to deliver nourishment. And it consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The system helps your body fight against diseases, maintain healthy temperature and pH, and stabilize homeostasis. Even a minor dis functionality in the system may cause severe conditions and force the patient to get admitted to the ICU.

Cardiovascular diseases are usually caused by narrowing of the heart blood vessels by some small fatty lumps, resulting in angina, heart attack and heart failure. Research has shown that depression, anxiety and emotional traumas may play a significant role in heart health. Moreover, it has been implicated in the cause, development, and expansion of both coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart failure. On the other hand, happiness and joyful experiences improve heart functions and blood flow throughout your body. Therefore, taking steps to manage stress, alleviate anxiety and heal emotional wounds simultaneously with doing things for fun and enjoyment will prevent the consequences of a cardiovascular disease and improve heart health. Mentioned below are FOUR easy steps towards healthy heart that you can apply as precautionary tactics as well:

1. Stick to Balanced Diet

Tobacco use, harmful consumption of alcohol, lack of physical exercise and an unhealthy diet have a profound effect on the development of the epidemic of heart diseases in vulnerable communities. Therefore, do your best to reduce and stop the consumption of such items. Moreover, eating healthy foods, juicy fruits, and fresh vegetables help control obesity and lower cholesterol level thereby promote heart health. Consequently, include beans, fish, nuts, olive oil, oatmeal, citrus fruits, green tea, broccoli, spinach, kale and tomatoes in your diet that help in weight loss, prevent cancer, and reduce stroke risks.

2. Do Regular Exercise:

Physically inactive people are more likely to get affected with heart issues than those who are regular in their morning jogging and daily physical activities. Consequently, improvement in your lifestyle can lower the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases. To achieve health benefits, you must spend a minimum of 30 minutes on moderate physical activity that may include cycling to work, brisk walk in the early morning or evening, and swimming. Yoga lowers blood pressure, makes blood vessels more elastic, and improves heart health. Core workouts and weight management training are great ways to attain balance and stability improving overall health.

3. Spend Time with Family and Friends

Your family members know how to bring a smile on your face, and your friends and colleagues are expert at making you laugh very hard. A smile releases stress, heals emotional ailments, and evokes inner satisfaction; and laughter improves blood circulation, breathing, and heart health. Therefore, spend long hours with your family members and friends' gatherings. If you are away from your hometown and close friends, make the most of the technology and get into group chats with your companions and talk to your mummy, daddy, siblings, spouse, and / or kids via a video call.

4. Regularly Visit Your Doctor

When it comes to your body and personal health, knowledge empowers you to make right decisions to keep yourself fit and fine. Therefore, regularly visit your surgeon to get expert advice to better your health. If you are experiencing any symptoms of any heart issue such as chest pain and difficulty in breathing, immediately get diagnosed and follow your doctor's suggestions and recommendations to curb the problem before it gets development.


Give your heart due importance and care that it deserves for the effective circulation of blood and proper functioning of various organs. Research has shown that anxiety, depression, and emotional instability may significantly affect your health. Moreover, bad use of tobacco, excessive consumption of alcohol, lack of physical activities, and unhealthy diet may also disturb your cardiovascular system. Therefore, stick to a balanced diet consisting of juicy fruits and fresh vegetables, and do regular exercises such as cycling, jogging, and yoga. Spend some time with family and friends to help you alleviate anxiety and depression and achieve emotional stability. Stay in touch with your doctor and follow its advice for quality living!