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3 Integral Traits in Healthcare Professionals

26 July

3 Integral Traits in Healthcare Professionals

Be it your domestic or professional life, certain personality traits are a must that help you go a long way. This includes compassion, punctuality, respect, tolerance and more. Similarly, if your thinking is inflexible or you are emotionally whimsy, the job just gets harder.

The healthcare sector in general is quite different. A distinct personality type tends to shine brighter than others. It is generally not for everyone, rather those with certain personality traits are the ones who are most successful.

If you are a nursing professional, below are some traits that can help you grow in your career:

1. Impeccable Communication Skills

Good communications skills are always appreciated, but in healthcare, the need is greater than ever. Situations are rather complex in the field of healthcare. Therefore, prioritizing on your communication skills as a nurse will help you excel.

The first step in learning to be a good communicator is to have the ability to listen effectively. One needs to focus on what the other person is saying, and then respond accordingly. Since patients are extremely vulnerable in healthcare settings, giving precedence to their concerns helps them regain their confidence.

Secondly, as a nurse, you will be working with paramedical staff and doctors. Do not feel guilty and ask as many questions as needed. Repeat what you've heard as there are no room for errors.

When you ask questions, you give the perception that you are actually interested in what the other person is saying. Moreover, in healthcare it helps avoids errs caused by poor communication skills.

As a healthcare professionals, you might have to deliver certain news to your patients that will be different for them to hear. For instance, if you are rescheduling an appointment, or giving a disturbing news that may be difficult for them to comprehend, you have to ensure that you understand what your patient is going through.

It is important to understand the situation of your patient when you communicate with them.

2. Be Empathetic

If you've chosen a career in healthcare, you are mostly likely to have the innate urge to help others out. This means you are already empathetic.

The term in healthcare used by medical practitioners is known as clinical empathy. According to the Society for General Internal Medicine, it is "the act of correctly acknowledging the emotional state of another without experiencing that state oneself."

As a nurse, you will come across difficult situations which you may have now encountered in your day to day life. Understanding the pain and grief of your patients will make you better at what you do.

Similarly, you need to be emotionally stable and calm during difficult situations. It is another aspect of being empathetic. Therefore, as a nurse, when you are working, you need to keep all worldly issues aside and simply commit yourself to the welfare of your patients.

3. Work on Your Health

It is a misconception that healthcare workers are physically fit. Well, this is not case. A healthcare professional works long tiresome shifts which often makes them compromise on their wellbeing.

Taking care of your health is critically important if you wish to care for your patients efficiently. Take out time for yourself, eat healthy, and exercise to perform better at work. Those who take care of themselves are the ones who remain energetic and active at work.

Nurses are considered to be superheroes with capes and well there's a good reason for that. As a nurse, you are an all-rounder, working tirelessly to cater to the needs of your patient. It is definitely not an easy profession and requires commitment to succeed.

Considering the sensitive nature of the nursing profession adapting certain traits will help you succeed in your day to day life as well as your career. Make sure that you understand that people who come to a hospital are often embracing their biggest fears. Therefore, a little compassion can definitely go a long way. Nursing is one of those professions that is a service to humanity. Therefore, it is your duty to keep the sanctity of this celebrated profession alive.