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5 Natural Remedies for Nurses' Feet Pain

31 January

5 Natural Remedies for Nurses' Feet Pain

One of the common challenges faced by nurses is aching feet on a day to day basis. It is estimated that a nurse walks up to 5 miles during the day and 3 miles during night shifts. Thereby, nurses are common victims of foot ailment that include: bunions, ingrown nails, blisters, heel pain, blisters, heel spurs, corns and calluses.

Some lifestyle changes can help overcome or minimize your foot aches. However first you need to know if you are flat footed or over pronated. This can be deduced by a foot expert or podiatrist. These experts run a simple test that helps them deduce the desired arch support suggest the right types of shoes for you. Below are some lifestyle changes you can adopt:

  • Replace your shoes often

If you use your shoes for six consecutive month, the structural support of your shoes starts to break down. Check the condition regularly and change if need be.

  • Invest in multiple pairs of your favorite shoes

If you are lucky enough to find the perfect model or brand for your feet, it is a wise choice to stock a few pairs in case they run out of them in future. You can switch between two pairs to minimize feet odor and the effect of wear and tear.

  • Lose Weight

If you have gained a few extra pounds, start shedding them. If you walk on concrete floor, the extra weight will cause strain on your feet. Lose weight and your feet will be in good shape.

  • Invest in cushioned socks and compression stockings

Cushioned socks help in protecting the feet particularly if you are old and the fat pads in your feet have worn out. Compression stockings on the other hand keep your feet from swelling.

Natural Remedies for Nurses' Feet Pain

With the amount of walking required by a nurse on a day to day basis, it is inevitable for nurses to avoid having aching feet. Instead of having a pain killer, below are some natural remedies that will enhance the comfort of your feet.

1. Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises can help overcome aching feet. Lie down on your back, bring your legs to a 90 degree angle and flex. Do a variety of full range motions. It is advised to do two sets per foot for three or four times a week.

Similarly, grab a towel with an extended leg, place the towel around the ball of your foot. Pull the towel towards the body gently for a slow and steady stretch. You will feel the stretch on your hamstrings and feet as you pull towards your body.

2. Hydrotherapy with hot and cold water

To alleviate feet pain, use cold water but a few patients have reported that they find hot and cold water therapy effective. The hot treatment helps in blood circulation while the cold therapy reduces swelling on your feet.

To do so, get two buckets and fill them with hot and cold water individually. Before you make use of the hot water, just test it to avoid burns. Now, while you are seated up, dip your feet in hot water for almost three minutes. Do the same with cold water for 10 seconds or more depending upon how much you can bear. Repeat the protocol two or three times. Ensure that you end the procedure with cold water.

Similarly, you can also use hot and ice packs instead of the buckets. Dip for 10 minutes to help alleviate the symptoms.

3. Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt is a miracle and not just any ordinary salt. It is a natural mineral compound of magnesium that helps overcome inflammation and pain. To use is for aching feet, in a bucket of warm water add two or three tablespoons of Epsom Salt. Soak in your feet for 1 to 12 minutes in the tub and moisturize post treatment.

If you want to make it a luxury experience, add in a few drops of essential oils, put on some nice soothing music and lit a candle. Beware, you might just doze off.

4. Vinegar

A good part of natural remedies is that a majority of that majority of the ingredients are found easily in the kitchen. Vinegar helps with muscle strain and reduces inflammation. Here are two ways you can use vinegar to reduce aching feet.

  • Hydrotherapy with vinegar:
    Prepare two buckets of cold and hot water individually. Put equal amount of vinegar in each bucket. Get a small towel and soak it in, remove the excess water by squeezing and wrap it around the feet. Repeat the procedure four times switching between hot and vold water.
  • Foot bath with vinegar:
    Add two or three tablespoons of vinegar to the hot bath. Add Epsom salt and soak your feet in the water for 10 to 20 minutes.

5. Herbal oil massages

To relax and rejuvenate, herbal oils help is loosening tightened tissues and improves circulation. All herbal oils have distinct medical benefits that help in alleviating foot pain. Some popular herbal oils include: clove oil, chamomile oil, mustard oil, lavender, thyme, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender and more.

Here are some herbal oils that we recommend:

For immediate relief, massage your feet with the herbal oil. You will eventually feel the tension and pain subsiding when the warm oil penetrates through.

If you are a nurse with sensitive skin or damaged skin, dilute a teaspoon of herbal oil with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and apply them to your feet.